Grief Therapy

2351074667“Will it ever get easier?”

This question is the major one you keep asking yourself. You feel so stuck “in it” and keep wondering if the grief you feel will ever get any better.

Some days are easier than others, and you can manage on most days without feeling overwhelmed. Other days, however, you feel crushed by the weight of your grief and can’t bear the thought of leaving the house.

It feels like no one understands where you are with the loss you feel. Even when people try to be helpful, they seem to say or do the wrong thing, and you’re back to feeling alone.

You want it to get easier, but at this point, you feel overwhelmed and wonder about the future.

Grief is a complicated emotion.

People experience grief for a multitude of reasons. Grief is a response to loss, and we all have experiences that can cause us to grieve.

Perhaps you have lost a loved one, and the world you once lived in has lost all color. Grey is the best description now.

Sometimes, a person grieves after discovering truths about themself or their family and becomes disillusioned with that truth.

A relationship you thought would last forever suddenly ends without warning. This loss makes you wonder how you will navigate life alone.

Perhaps you thought you would be in a different place by now but are not. Now, you find yourself grieving and unable to accept the life you have.

2275903349Grief is beautiful.

It might sound strange, but grief is one of our most beautiful emotions because it shows the depth of our capacity to love.

Processing grief differs for each person, and the time required also varies. As you process your grief, I will work with you to understand the world you’re living in.

We will not follow a timetable. My goal is to hold you and guide you as you navigate the depths of your grief.

I’ll help you learn ways to honor what’s lost so that you can move through, not past, your most intense feelings.

With therapy, things will get easier.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with you. Grief results from an emotional response to a life event that turns your world upside down.

As we work together, things will get easier, allowing you to move forward. You will never completely forget the loss, but you will be able to put it in a better perspective.

Don’t wait to start re-living the life you want. I’ll work to understand where you are and help you get to a better place.

Reach out today for a free consultation and see if we are a good fit. If we are, then we will start helping you process your grief.